Putting people first, with 24/7 mental health support

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    CQC logo
    Northern Healthcare Head Office
    CQC overall rating

    Staff knew people well and recognised the value of person-centred care. This meant people’s support was individual and personalised to their needs and preferences. Staff supported people to engage in a range of activities including holidays, paid and voluntary work, socialising, and accessing community activities. (CQC Report 2024)

    Creating a brighter future with Northern Healthcare

    At our mental health supported living services, we believe everyone deserves to live a safe, happy and meaningful life, where they’re valued, respected, listened to and supported. Northern Healthcare empower the people we support to live as independently as possible and to overcome their challenges through our support model.

    • 24-hour support from a multi-disciplinary team
    • Individual tenancy agreements
    • Comprehensive support plans
    • High-quality accommodation
    • Risk management
    Our Support Model
    Two ladies smiling with faces painted as tigers

    To make a referral, please get in touch

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    Putting people first, changing lives

    Northern Healthcare provides care and support for people with mental health conditions, learning disabilities, autism and complex needs. Many of the people we care for may have more than one diagnosis, and our comprehensive support plans are regularly reviewed and tailored to the needs of each individual to empower each person to achieve their goals at their own pace.

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    Residents and team members taking part in fundraising.

    Building support networks

    For us to help individuals we need to form long-lasting relationships with the people they know and trust. We support commissioners and referrers to find the right service for the individual in their care. Building a network of support around an individual is crucial in aiding their development – families, friends and the wider community all have an important role to play.

    Northern Healthcare’s supported living model

    Our recovery services are safe and comfortable environments where the people we support can rebuild their skills, confidence and independence. All of our houses have their own personality, brought to life by the people we support and our teams. Our supported living model ensures that the quality of care that we provide is consistent. Each service has 24-hour support with access to experienced multidisciplinary support teams. Our teams offer a range of expertise across a wide range of specialities including Mental Health Nursing.

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    If you have a specific enquiry about our services, please get in touch with our team.

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