Our supported living services are full of activities with a busy calendar of group cooking classes, exercise, health and nutrition workshops, 1-2-1 time and occupational therapy to suit everyone’s needs and help the people we support reach their recovery goals.
OTSW Debra helped the people we support prep chilli con carne. Helping them prepare meals from scratch using fresh ingredients is essential, as it can teach them the health benefits and life skills needed to sustain a healthy lifestyle.
Everyone has been watching their sunflowers grow throughout the summer. Magnificent, well done, everyone!
The people we support from Mary Seacole and Montgomery House had a fun day out together! First, they attended their multi-sports session and then watched the Bolton Wanderers match against Derby County. They even got a picture with Lofty the Lion!
Montgomery House residents had a fantastic day at Heaton Park, riding on the fair rides and petting some animals!
Our residents have been enjoying their cooking sessions making a range of fun and adventurous foods!
Residents from Montgomery House and Mary Seacole who go to weekly multi-sports were presented with their awards before being given a tour of the Bolton Wanderers football ground. After that, they took a trip to Hollywood Bowl for a game of ten-pin bowling, some food at Pizza Hut, and to top it all off, a disco!
Residents from Montgomery House and Mary Seacole House teamed up and had a lovely day at Chester Zoo. Accompanied by a number of support workers, they spent a fun day looking at animals, eating ice cream and even going on a river cruise!
Residents took a trip to a nearby Buddhist centre! Everyone enjoyed a lovely day in the sun and benefited from therapeutic 1:1’s with Support Worker Jill!
Residents from Montgomery House enjoyed a lovely day shopping at Cheshire Oaks with OTSW Debra.
Our residents and staff took full advantage of the beautiful weather and had a BBQ in the sun! It looks like everyone had fun grilling and chilling.
Residents from two of our supported living services Mary Seacole House in Bolton and Montgomery House in Radcliffe came together for sports day! Residents enjoyed some friendly competition in the community supported by occupational therapy support worker, Debra!
One of our Montgomery House residents collected his new glasses last week with support from the team. Our resident was very pleased with his new frames and expressed that they have helped him see clearly and overcome barriers.
Residents from Montgomery House & Mary Seacole House joined together at Bolton Wanderers F.C. for a game of cricket & Boccia! Residents enjoyed networking & showing their competitive side!
One of our Montgomery House residents enjoyed painting bird boxes, ready to hang outside and welcome visitors as we head into spring!
One of our residents from Montgomery House was supported to bake a delicious Victoria sponge cake, he enjoyed the therapeutic activity and was very pleased with the outcome!
One of our Montgomery House residents achieved his NCFE Level One Award in Mentoring – a huge achievement. The qualification is designed to allow learners to understand the role of a mentor and be aware of the skills needed to become an effective mentor. He is delighted to celebrate this big step forward in his education.
Montgomery House and Mary Seacole House joined together for a fabulous night out at The Albert Halls in Bolton to watch the wrestling!
Residents from Montgomery House had a brilliant day out at Heaton Park Fun Fair!
Montgomery House has been very busy this week with Occupational Therapy Support Worker, Debra!
Residents baked some delicious scones from scratch, planted tomato, cabbage and onion seeds, engaged in exercise using the in-house bike and celebrated one of our resident’s birthdays!
Residents from Montgomery House enjoyed an afternoon out to the local Hollywood Bowl with Occupational Therapy Support Worker Debra, and everyone had great fun!
Later in the month, Occupational Therapy Support Worker Debra supported residents from Montgomery House and Mary Seacole House on a trip to the local bowling alley. Residents had games of bowling, enjoyed some food, and got to know each other. Everyone had a lovely day!
One of our Montgomery House residents enjoyed a cooking session. He is trying to eat fresher meals, and chose to prepare this delicious mushroom stroganoff.
Residents and team members from Montgomery House joined together for Christmas celebrations, exchanging gifts and enjoying a delicious dinner on Christmas day. Later on, everyone enjoyed a tasty buffet and festive quiz on Boxing Day.
Residents from Montgomery House enjoyed baking and decorating some Christmas-themed biscuits, and they certainly look yummy!
Our residents from Montgomery House went out for a Christmas meal with Occupational Therapy Support Worker Debra. It was a double celebration as it was also one resident’s birthday! Everyone had a lot of fun and the team are now feeling the Christmas spirit!
Residents at Montgomery House enjoyed decorating the Christmas trees around the service! Residents and team members also showed their support for Save The Children Christmas Jumper Day this year.
Later in the month, residents took the tram to the Trafford Centre, supported by our team, for a bit of Christmas shopping and a spot of lunch.
Residents at Montgomery House have been baking and decorating gingerbread, supported by Occupational Therapy Support Worker Debra!
Our residents at Montgomery House have been cooking up a storm recently! Residents have enjoyed learning how to prepare new dishes including lasagne with garlic bread, and chicken and potatoes with roasted veg. Delicious!
Residents at Montgomery House enjoyed lots of Halloween and Bonfire Night activities over the weekend, including pumpkin carving, and cooking up pumpkin soup, potato pie, and vegan gingerbread biscuits. Yum!
Montgomery House team and residents got involved with Macmillan’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning with a selection of treats, and enjoyed an amazing quiz prepared and hosted by one of our residents! Our resident said: “I had a really good time. I enjoyed doing the quiz even though I was nervous. Spending time with everyone and having fun really boosted my confidence.” The total raised was an incredible £176.68!
One of our residents at Montgomery House has continued to attend the local gym with support from our team. She started off going to Body Pump classes once a week, and has now progressed to going twice a week, including a spin class into her routine. Her fitness and confidence has grown during her exercise journey.
Our resident said: “I am really enjoying going to the gym with some of the team. It has helped build my confidence and self-esteem in the community. I have also formed some good friendships there.”
One of our team members at Montgomery House supported one of our residents with a cooking session.
Our resident decided he wanted to make homecooked onion bhajis, so together they went to the local supermarket to get all the items they needed before preparing the dish. Our resident then shared the finished onion bhajis with fellow residents and they were enjoyed by all!
To celebrate National Give Something Away Day at Montgomery House, team members Liv and Harry supported our residents in baking and decorate some cupcakes. Liv then supported the residents as they went out and about in the local community handing out cupcakes to local businesses! Our residents enjoyed themselves and felt a great sense of pride when giving away the cupcakes.
Two of our Support Workers accompanied our Montgomery House residents on the bus into Manchester, where they enjoyed the morning aboard a Manchester river cruise! They passed by some famous sights including Coronation Street! Our residents really enjoyed their morning out in the sun!
Support Workers Olivia and Cendy accompanied some of our residents to a local fair held as part of the Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Lots of fun was had by all and our residents even won a goldfish and some cuddly toys!
Back at Montgomery House, residents and team members enjoyed a Jubilee party.
Our team supported one of our Montgomery House residents to Tottington Cricket Ground to watch Team Leader Jade play rounders!
Our residents at Montgomery House, together with Support Worker Paula created this notice board for National Smile Month, with lots of interesting information and handy tips to help with dental hygiene!
Our Montgomery House residents created some posters in memory of the 22 people whose lives were taken, as well as everyone who was injured or affected, in the Manchester Arena attack 5 years ago. Our thoughts are with everyone affected.
Support workers Paula and Olivia supported residents in brightening up Montgomery House for Mental Health Awareness Week, creating a positivity board filled with encouraging quotes and a coping strategy board where staff and residents wrote down tips for coping when they feel sad.
Some of our residents at Montgomery House have a keen interest in football and volunteer at Radcliffe FC twice weekly. They help to maintain the grounds and complete maintenance before and after the games to ensure the environment remains clean and safe.
One of our Montgomery House residents has received a letter from J.K. Rowling! Our resident is a huge Harry Potter fan and has used the books and films as a coping strategy for many years. Our resident commented: “I am delighted and feel honoured to have received this letter. It has made my year!”
A big thank you to our Support Worker Harry Evans for arranging this – our very own Northern Healthcare wizard!
With support from one of our Support Workers, our residents independently followed a new recipe and learnt new skills in the kitchen, cooking up a delicious keema curry!
One of our residents from Montgomery House independently followed a recipe to bake some vanilla cupcakes with green buttercream icing for St Patrick’s Day on Thursday!
Four of our residents from Montgomery House attended the Manchester City v. Sporting Lisbon game with Support Worker Harry. This meant a lot to one resident in particular as he had not been to a Manchester City game for a while. Our residents had a great time and although the game finished 0-0, Manchester City made it through to the quarter finals of the Champions League on aggregate!
One of our residents from Montgomery House was supported by our team to volunteer at Incredible Edibles last week, a gardening project that supports the community by growing local produce and maintaining a community garden area.
Our resident got stuck in and built his own pathway. First he scraped the ground, and then put down the carpet base. Once that was complete, he put down the wood chip to form the path, and added the rocky border for a finishing touch!
One of our residents from Montgomery House has attended the local leisure centre for a Body Pump class for the first time since pre-covid. She was very nervous but excited about getting back into exercise within the community.
Our resident completed the whole class with support from staff and afterwards she said: “I really enjoyed the session and would like to continue to attend on a weekly basis.”
Residents from Montgomery House, Mary Seacole House and Milnshaw House all got together for a friendly game of football, ending with a penalty shootout!
Everyone had a really fun day and there was lots of laughter and shouting to be heard, along with cheers and boos!
A big thank you to Radcliffe Borough for allowing us to use their training pitch and function room to host the game.
A big thank you also to our finance director Dan for refereeing!
Montgomery House have been busy creating a beautiful Autumn display! They also hosted a pool competition, which was enjoyed by all!
Residents at Montgomery House kept cool throughout the Summer with some refreshing iced coffee.
Another busy week at Montgomery House! Residents had a special visit from some adorable chicks and learnt a little about how to care for them. Later in the week, residents put their construction skills to the test with Lego, and made their own personalised picture frames.
Residents and team members were delighted to host a celebratory farewell party for Mark Brooks. As Team Leader Mark has been a highly valued member of the Montgomery House team, he is leaving to join Holly Court as Service Manager and we wish him the best of luck in his new role.
A very welcome change of scenery for two of our residents who were very happy to be back volunteering at Radcliffe Borough Football Club. Our residents wore PPE whilst giving the club a fresh lick of paint ready for receiving new visitors when it is safe to do so.
One of our favourite activities to promote social inclusion at Montgomery House is baking. Residents learn new skills and take great pride in baking treats for each other.