How to incorporate ‘self-care’ into your daily routine

overhead shot of woman wearing grey jumper holding book and cup of tea

We all lead busy lives and sometimes finding the time to look after yourself can be difficult. Some self-care methods can be time-consuming and hard to incorporate into our hectic day-to-day lives. Here are five small changes you can make to your daily routine to help look after your mental wellbeing.

Five self-care tips for mental health and wellbeing

  • Get some fresh air

Research has shown that exposing your lungs to the outdoors and breathing in the fresh air can possibly help to reduce and relieve stress and anxiety. Oxygen is thought to affect your overall serotonin levels – assisting you in feeling happier and more relaxed. Some people have also reported (Reuters and Huffington Post) that it only takes “five minutes in the green” to help boost your mood! Read more about the benefits of nature here.

  • Create a consistent sleeping pattern

Sleep is the best and easiest way to care for yourself mentally and physically. Ensuring that you consistently go to bed the same time each night and set an alarm to wake up in the morning, can help create a routine ensuring that your body receives that desired amount of sleep needed to function throughout the day. Most adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep per night to ensure that their brain is able to function to maximum potential capacity. The National Sleep Foundation has also stated that switching off electronics before bed can help increase sleep quality. For more information on sleep in relation to mental health, view our blog here.

  • Start a journal or have some “me time”

Another way to help increase your health and happiness is by writing your own journal. Documenting each evening the good things that have happened throughout the day has been proven to make you feel better. If you’re struggling for time, or if journaling isn’t for you – then just take some time every night to reflect on all the positives or create a simple ‘happiness list’ in your brain.

  • Yoga/Meditation

This may seem like the most time-consuming self-care activity on this list – but it doesn’t have to be. Once understood, simple yoga routines can be completed within ten minutes. The best times to do this is during either your morning or evening routines – or any time throughout the day that you need a calming boost. Looking for some inspiration? There are a number of different yoga blogs and websites willing to help you out.

  • Take some time to do something you love

Whether it be once a week, or once a day – make sure that you fit into your busy schedule an activity that you love or are passionate about. Good examples of these include arts & crafts, gardening and even jogging. This can help boost your mental health and give you something to look forward to.

At Northern Healthcare, we try to ensure that all residents take time out of their day to include one or more of the mentioned self-care activities as part of their individual recovery pathway.

Northern Healthcare offers bespoke, forward-facing supported-living tenancies with included support and recovery programmes. Since the opening of our first facility in Cumbria, we are now on course to expand throughout the whole of the UK. If you are looking to make a clinical recommendation or referral, please get in touch with our team


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

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