At Northern Healthcare we understand the importance of empowering those we support to maintain their independence and make informed decisions about their lives. A key aspect of our supported living service provision is equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to develop, strengthen, and maintain their mental capacity. By promoting understanding, we help the people we support navigate challenges with confidence and dignity.
But what exactly is mental capacity?
In this article, we’ll explore what the term means, the causes and consequences of its changes, and practical steps for planning the future, along with a mix of resources that might come in handy.
Mental capacity refers to a person’s ability to make decisions at a particular time. It encompasses understanding, retaining, and weighing up information necessary to make a choice and then communicating that choice. Importantly, mental capacity is decision-specific; someone may have the capacity to make some decisions but not others.
For example, an individual may be able to decide what to eat for dinner but struggle with complex financial decisions. Capacity can also fluctuate over time, depending on factors such as health, medication, or stress levels.
In many legal systems, assessing mental capacity involves determining whether a person can:
Therefore, if someone lacks the capacity to make a specific decision, it may be necessary for others to act in their best interests.
According to the ‘Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards’ published by the NHS, “there were an estimated 332,455 applications for DoLS received during 2023-24.” DoLS is a legal procedure designed to protect those who lack capacity –primarily in care homes or hospitals – where liberty is restricted by family members or guardians to keep them safe.
Referring back to the NHS’ findings “This is an increase of 11% similar to the previous year, which is closer to the rate of growth seen before COVID-19 (between 2014-15 and 2019-20 the average growth rate was 14% each year) following an interim period of relatively small increases in numbers of applications.” Though this safeguard ensures the person lacking capacity is protected and their needs are prioritised, it’s not an option to be taken lightly. There are also annual complaints of ongoing backlogs and delays in authorisations being completed, so it’s important to consider if restrictions and restraints are needed for the betterment of the person.
A variety of conditions and situations can affect your mental capacity:
A lack of mental capacity can have significant personal, legal and financial consequences. Without proper safeguards, individuals may:
For family and caregivers, a loved one’s loss of capacity can create challenges in ensuring their best interests are protected, all whilst navigating legal and medical systems.
Planning is a wise idea to safeguard someone at risk’s rights and well-being in the event of reduced capacity:
Handling mental capacity issues can be difficult, but numerous organisations and resources can provide guidance and support:
While the loss of mental capacity can be distressing, proactive planning and accessing the right resources can make a significant difference. By setting up legal protections, communicating preferences, and knowing where to turn for help, individuals and their families can navigate this complex issue with confidence and compassion.
Mental capacity | Mental Health Foundation
Planning ahead using the Mental Capacity Act | Alzheimer’s Society
Advance Directive vs. Living Will: What’s the Difference? – Nationwide
Living Will vs Will: What’s The Difference? – Legal Templates
Mental Capacity Act – Social care and support guide – NHS
Mental Capacity Act 2005 – legal information – Mind
What is The Mental Capacity Act? | Mencap
Make decisions on behalf of someone: Checking mental capacity – GOV.UK
Office of the Public Guardian – GOV.UK
Supporting a loved one with a bipolar disorder diagnosis – Northern Healthcare
Supporting someone living with schizophrenia – Northern Healthcare
All About Anxiety – Managing Anxiety – Northern Healthcare
How to recognise symptoms of depression – Northern Healthcare
Alzheimer’s disease | Signs, symptoms, and common risk factors – Northern Healthcare
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) at a glance – SCIE
What are Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)? | Skills for Health
Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, 2023-24 – NHS England Digital