Tag: accessible exercise

Here you will find our industry and company news as well as tips and advice on various mental health conditions. We share videos and downloadable resources which tell you a little more about us. This page is also dedicated to ‘Home Life’ so you can keep up-to-date with all of the activities and events from our services.

  • Woman demonstrating yoga poses

    Mental Health Tips & Advice

    The Surprising Benefits of Yoga for Your Mental Health

    In today's fast-paced world, the search for effective ways to manage mental health has never been more critical. One practice that has gained significant traction in modern times is yoga. Beyond its well-known physical benefits, yoga offers profound advantages for…

  • Two people playing basketball

    Mental Health Tips & Advice

    Accessible Exercise

    There is no doubt that exercise is beneficial to everyone for both physical and mental well-being. But when most lists feature exercises that either require specialist equipment, or cannot cater towards those with limited mobility, issues arise. A good standard…

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