Tag: anxiety

Here you will find our industry and company news as well as tips and advice on various mental health conditions. We share videos and downloadable resources which tell you a little more about us. This page is also dedicated to ‘Home Life’ so you can keep up-to-date with all of the activities and events from our services.

  • Social Anxiety

    Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Tips & Advice

    Social Anxiety: A Social Phobia

    Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is a long-term condition ruled by a fear of social situations. It is usually triggered during a person's teenage years but can happen anytime. Social anxiety can be extremely distressing and have…

  • Loneliness

    Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Tips & Advice

    Feelings of Loneliness: A Growing Issue

    Loneliness is common - it's a part of life. In 2022, 49.63% of adults (25.99 million people) in the UK reported feeling lonely occasionally, sometimes, often or always. Every person will have or will go on to feel loneliness at…

  • Multiple Sclerosis

    Mental Health Awareness

    Multiple Sclerosis | MS Awareness Week 2024

    The week commencing 22nd April is officially Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Week. In this article, we will explore MS, the signs and symptoms, types, causes and more about MS Awareness Week. MS Awareness Week Created by the MS Society, MS…

  • OSFED Eating Disorder

    Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Tips & Advice

    Eating Disorders: Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED)

    In the fourth blog of our series highlighting the several types of eating disorders, we are going to explore Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder (OSFED). In this article, we look at the characteristics and symptoms, the treatments available, and…

  • Mental Health Crisis

    Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Tips & Advice

    How to Respond to a Mental Health Crisis

    *Sensitive content. Please note that this article may be triggering to some. If you need help please reach out, there are resources listed at the bottom of this page. If you are seriously worried about yourself or a loved one,…

  • Paranoia

    Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Tips & Advice

    What is Paranoia?

    In this article, we explore what paranoia is, examples of paranoia, its causes and its relation to mental health conditions. We will also look at the effects of paranoia alongside ways to support a loved one suffering from the condition.…

  • Talking Therapy

    Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Tips & Advice

    Talking Therapy

    In this blog post, we'll explore the different types of talking therapy currently available. "One adult in eight (12.1%) receives mental health treatment, with 10.4% receiving medication and 3% receiving psychological therapy."  Not one box fits all, and therapy must…

  • New Year's Resolutions

    Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Tips & Advice

    New Year, New You? Four New Year’s Resolutions to Consider in 2024

    Health and fitness fads can be hard to avoid as we head into the new year. But what about long-term health and lifestyle changes? Positive New Year's resolutions are always worth making, but at your own pace and on your…

  • Graphic of our #MeWorryFree campaign

    Northern Healthcare Company News

    Mental Health Awareness Week 2023: #MeWorryFree

    It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and this year, the theme is anxiety. As one of the most prominent mental health illnesses, anxiety has and will most likely affect everyone at some point in their lives. From exam pressures to starting…

  • Managing anxiety - black background with the word "anxiety" in white typefont

    Mental Health Awareness

    All About Anxiety – Managing Anxiety

    Anxiety disorder is a mental health diagnosis that can have a big impact on your day to day life. There are different types of anxiety disorders that we covered in our first blog in the ‘All About Anxiety’ series, you…

  • tablet with screen displaying word anxiety on bright pink background with green doodles

    Mental Health Awareness

    All About Anxiety – Types of Anxiety Disorders

    What is anxiety? Anxiety is typically defined as a feeling of worry and unease. Everyone will likely experience feelings of anxiety during certain times in their lives, for example when preparing for a job interview or when going on a…

  • man sitting on floor with legs tucked up and head resting on knees

    Mental Health Tips & Advice

    Some self-care tips for anxiety…

    Anxiety disorders are an extremely common form of mental health problems. According to a recent study, 1 in 10 people are likely to have a ‘disabling anxiety disorder’ at some stage in their life. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and depression…

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