Tag: research

  • A tower of Scrabble letter tiles representing the 5 Ps formulation.

    Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Tips & Advice

    Understanding the 5 Ps Formulation in Mental Health and Supported Living Services

    In the field of mental health and psychological assessments, the 5 Ps formulation is a widely used framework that helps professionals gain a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s mental health challenges.   At Northern Healthcare, we regularly encounter complex mental health…

  • Man listening to music whilst walking down the street to make him happy, and boost his mental health and well-being.

    Mental Health Awareness, Mental Health Tips & Advice

    How Music Can Be a Powerful Tool for Mental Health

    In a world where stress, anxiety and depression are increasingly prevalent, many people are turning to creative methods to improve their mental health, and one of the most popular tools is something we engage with daily: music. Whether it’s a…

  • lady looking down microscope

    Research Knowledge Base

    Huntington’s Disease: Pharmacological vs Physical Interventions

    Huntington’s Disease (HD) is a genetic neurodegenerative disorder, characterised by progressive development of hyperkinetic movements, the involuntary actions of the limbs and torso (Roos, 2010). The progressive neurodegeneration also results in psychiatric disturbances and cognitive impairment (Walsam, et al. 2018).…

  • Northern Healthcare Company News

    Enhanced supported living for people with severe and persistent mental health problems: A qualitative investigation.

    The summary below is intended as such and does therefore not represent the full depth and detail of the paper as published in Health and Social Care in the Community.   A distinctive feature of the novel enhanced supported living…

  • a group of women in pink and orange coats hugging

    Mental Health Awareness

    Women Pioneers in Mental Health | International Women’s Day 2022

    International Women’s Day 2022 falls on Tuesday 8th March, and this year’s theme is #BreakTheBias. The idea behind the theme is to raise awareness against gender bias, and celebrate women’s achievements. We’re doing our bit by taking a look at…

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