Time to Talk Day 2021 | The Power of Small

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The 4th of February marks one of the biggest days in the mental health calendar, especially this year as it is the final year Time to Change will be hosting Time to Talk Day. So, we need to get more people across the nation talking about mental health to carry on their legacy – together we can end mental health stigma. This year’s theme is, “The power of small” highlighting how small conversations about mental health have the power to make a big difference.

Why do the attitudes that surround mental health matter?

Talking about mental health is so important because it changes lives. We ALL have mental health. Around 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem this year.

Sadly, a lot of people feel isolated and ashamed when it comes to mental health due to the stigma that is attached to it. The more we talk about mental health the more we can break down the stigma.

Educating yourself and others around mental health is a big step in the right direction, take the mental health quiz to test how much you know about mental health.

In this video from Time to Change, people who have been affected by negative attitudes towards their mental health share the impact words can have:

3 Tips to change negative attitudes towards mental health

  1. Talk about it – Talking about mental health can help to combat the silence and shame, if you openly talk about mental health more people will feel comfortable talking about it too. In this article one of our residents discusses their journey with mental health.
  2. Challenge the stigma – Put a stop to anyone using damaging stereotypes or misconceptions surrounding mental health. The media can be a big cause of mental health stigmatisation and often use negative or scary words when publishing stories surrounding mental health. Here’s why the language we use matters.
  3. Get involved – Post on social media to get your friends and followers talking about mental health. You can download resources for this year’s ‘The power of small’ theme, make sure you use the hashtag #TimetoTalk! You can join events across local communities to help change the attitude towards mental health. Click here to find out what’s going on near you.

Do you need someone to talk to?

If you are struggling with your mental health or need to talk to someone about how you are feeling, there are many organisations you can turn to for help and support.

Samaritans provide free, confidential, non-judgemental emotional support 24/7 – you can call them on 116 123 or email them jo@samiritans.org

Mind provide confidential mental health information services. Their phoneline gives information on types of mental health problems, where to get help, drug treatments, alternative therapies and advocacy. You can contact them on 0300 123 3393 (9am-6pm Monday to Friday) or text 86463 or email info@mind.org.uk

If you or someone you know is in a crisis, call your local NHS helpline or 111. You can find your local helpline here.






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