If you’re looking to move to a supported living service you may be a little apprehensive, or hesitant about what this means for you. Or, you may be excited and looking forward to a fresh start. However you are feeling, our teams are here to support all individuals on their journey to mental health recovery and greater independence.
Our services are your home, and we will do everything we can to make you as comfortable as possible and support you to live how you choose. Your safety, support and happiness are our top priorities. To support you here are some of the questions we are often asked regarding our support services.
Our supported living services combine high-quality housing tenancies from an independent housing association with support from our experienced teams. Our supported living services team provide 24/7 support and clinical input from a Registered Mental Health Nurse and Registered Learning Disability Nurse.
We cannot accept self-referrals however you can ask your Care Coordinator, Community Mental Health Team (CMHT), or another health and social care professional to refer you to our supported living services. If you are not currently supported by adult health and social care services you can ask for an assessment from your local adult social care team.
An “assessment” might sound daunting but it is all about ensuring Northern Healthcare is the right step for you, it is an opportunity for you to ask questions, for us to get to know you and how we can support you in ways that are meaningful to you.
Currently, all of our services only offer single tenancies, however, your family and friends will always be made to feel welcome and may visit as often as you like. Our round-the-clock telephone and internet access also helps you to stay in close contact whenever you wish.
If a family member would like to chat with one of our team or attend appointments in or outside the service with you, we’ll be happy to support you.
We don’t have any set timelines because everyone’s recovery journey is different. Some people stay with us for a few months and when they feel ready we help them to take the next step, other people have been with us for several years and we continue to support them.
You may leave the service whenever you choose. It’s always useful to let someone know when you’re popping out, where you’re going and when you might be back.
We support adults (18+) with a mental health diagnosis, learning disability and/or autism.
We support you with day-to-day living and this may include, administrative tasks, cooking and nutrition, budgeting, tenancy administration, community engagement and activities, supporting decision making, volunteering and work opportunities and emotional support.
Our clinical team will work with you and adult health and social care services to see how much support you need. Our support packages are often commissioned and funded by a Local Authority or health board and regulated by CQC.
You can also decide to self-fund, but this will depend on your income and savings.
We will ask you to help us create a support plan based on your needs, goals and wishes - these may change throughout your time with us and we will adapt your support to be based on how you would like to live your life.
There are lots of activities you can get involved in both in and outside the service. You are never forced to participate in any activities within the service, we fully promote individual choice. This is your recovery journey at your pace.
You can involve people you trust within your support planning such as family members, advocates or friends.
Our supported living services offer high-quality housing with an independent housing association.
You will be offered a shorthold tenancy agreement through a landlord, the landlord manages the property and our team will help you to maintain your tenancy.
Our team help in various ways, you can move to one of our services at your own pace, this is often referred to as a “transition schedule”.
You will meet with a member of our friendly team to discuss your support needs, if there is anything we can do to support you let our team know, this may include providing some information on the team who will be supporting you such as “Meet the Team” packs.
As we are a 24/7 supported living service provider we would need a clinical referral to one of our services in order to provide support from our mental health team onsite. Unfortunately, we don’t operate a public support line at this time, but there are many organisations that we work with that can help you if you need to speak with someone.
Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, or email: jo@samaritans.org for a reply within 24 hours. Find out more on their website: samaritans.org
For us to help the people we support we need to form long-lasting relationships with the people they know and trust. We support commissioners and referrers to find the right service for the individual in their care. Building a network of support around an individual is crucial in aiding their development – families, friends and the wider community all have an important role to play.