
Here you will find our industry and company news as well as tips and advice on various mental health conditions. We share videos and downloadable resources which tell you a little more about us. This page is also dedicated to ‘Home Life’ so you can keep up-to-date with all of the activities and events from our services.

  • Support Stories

    Favourite thing about Merchants House? Just having a laugh and joke with everybody

  • Support Stories

    If you’ve got goals, they will help you achieve every goal

  • Support Stories

    I’m glad they did start up, it’s helped me a lot

  • Three Little Birds by The Northern Healthcare Family | Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

  • Northern Healthcare

    Occupational Therapy

  • Northern Healthcare

    Person Centered Approach

If you have any questions regarding our services or would like to request more information, please get in touch.

Contact us