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At Northern Healthcare we provide supported living for people living with autism. As with all of our support plans, the clinical and support involvement required from the team will vary dependent upon where the individual’s condition sits on the autistic spectrum. The individual may have dual-diagnosis and also be living with a mental health condition or learning disability.

Our support plans are built together with the individual and their support networks, with detailed steps to improve functional capabilities and build skills to enhance their quality of life. Our support planning system allows us to record the little things that really make a difference to someone living with autism such as their likes and dislikes, and which environments they feel most comfortable in.

As part of a multi-disciplinary team, we also partner with a broad range of external professionals, including Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Social Workers, Care Managers, Behavioural Nurses and Occupational Therapists.

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Supported living for people living with autism

Our team understand that the world can sometimes be overwhelming for an individual living with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We are on hand 24/7/365 to offer emotional support and gentle encouragement. Our team promote personal choice and our approach encompasses the needs and preferences of the individual to help overcome communication and social interaction difficulties.

  • 24-hour support and practical assistance
  • Skills training and sensory assessments
  • Bespoke communication tools e.g. Visual aids, easy-to-read guides, grab-sheets
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Scheduled daily one to one time
  • Support with activities of daily living (ADL) skills
  • Community integration support
  • Dedicated key worker
Our Support Model
resident preparing cake mixture in bowl

How it works

  • Referral

    In order for us to support someone living with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder at one of our services we must first receive a referral from a health care professional. This is may be a Case Manager, Commissioner, Social Worker, Care Co-ordinator, Community Adult Learning Disability Team, Clinical Manager or another mental health care professional.

  • Assessment

    One of our clinical team will meet with the individual being referred to our services for support to understand in more detail how we can help. By working closely with colleagues in community health care teams, we form unique support plans with attainable goals which are reviewed regularly. The current tools we use to ensure a comprehensive package of care include: HCR20, GASS, HONOS, EGRIST/STAR, MOHO, RE-QOL 20.
    Together we will help the individual to make an informed choice about whether coming to a Northern Healthcare service is the right next step for them.

  • Admission & funding

    The admission process will vary from person-to-person and it is highly dependent on their current situation, our team are on-hand to support throughout.
    Confirmation of funding is required from the appropriate authority – CCG or local authority. Placements can be funded privately, through personal budgets or via independent Case Managers. Administrative support is given with application for appropriate level of housing benefit.

  • Individual tenancy

    Each person has their own individual lease agreement with a housing association. We treat all of our services as homes and we encourage the people we support to personalise their service as they choose.

  • Ongoing support

    We provide clear pathways to enable the people we support to reach their personal goals. The people we support are actively involved in support planning and can see evidence of their progress over time. Plotting recovery using the recovery star together helps to motivate the people we are supporting whilst building confidence and identifying new objectives.

Our supported living model ensures that the quality of care that we provide is consistent

Find out more

Working in partnership

For us to help individuals we need to form long-lasting relationships with the people they know and trust. We support commissioners and referrers to find the right service for the individual in their care. Building a network of support around an individual is crucial in aiding their development – families, friends and the wider community all have an important role to play.

If you have an enquiry about our services, please get in touch with our team.

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