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Mental Health Diagnosis

Our team support people living with a wide range of mental health needs. Individuals may have a primary mental health diagnosis e.g. schizophrenia, schizo-affective disorder or bipolar, they may also have secondary needs relating to a learning disability, autism and personality disorder.

Each day the people supported by our services show immense strength. As well as their diagnosis, some of the people we support may have a previous history of substance abuse and they have often experienced traumatic events in their past. Our team work with individuals to take small steps to overcome these hurdles each day.

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Supported living for people living with a mental health diagnosis

Each individual will have a unique support plan; our goal is to help the people we support reach theirs. Recovery means something different to each individual and the concept of what recovery means will evolve as each person progresses with help from our team.

Our team inspire confidence, promote informed choice and help the people we support to develop everyday skills. We celebrate the small steps forward, whilst promoting resilience to be able to manage any possible steps back.

  • Reduce hospital (re)admission
  • Promote independence & informed choice
  • Our services are first and foremost homes for the people we support
  • Community integration support
  • 24-hour support
  • Clinical support from a Registered Mental Health Nurse and Registered Learning Disability Nurse
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is available
Our Support Model

How it works

Our supported living model ensures that the quality of care that we provide is consistent.

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Working in partnership

For us to help individuals we need to form long-lasting relationships with the people they know and trust. We support commissioners and referrers to find the right service for the individual in their care. Building a network of support around an individual is crucial in aiding their development – families, friends and the wider community all have an important role to play.

If you have an enquiry about our services, please get in touch with our team.

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